How do organizations deal with change and innovation. Employee employability requires continuous work to improve, deepen and expand competencies and knowledge. Learning campaigns, with their recurring learning moments, can stimulate and facilitate lifelong learning in companies.
Do you want to offer theory in an inspiring way? No idea how to go about this? We are happy to present a braching (branching) scenario to you. This is a highly interactive eLearning module that allows students to interact with the module and choose the path they want to follow.
People tell each other stories. This is timeless and happens in all cultures. Stories are told orally, are in books, are filmed... We entertain ourselves with stories and share knowledge and life experience with them. Read more about how we deal with stories at Epyc.
Do you want your organization to evolve into an impactful learning organization? Then provide inspiring hybrid learning paths for your employees. With this working document, we would like to get you started to create learning journeys that can make a difference for your employees.
The success of a learning activity in VR does not only lie in the good implementation of the technology. It is the instructional design that determines the quality of the learning experience. In the literature, learning with VR is often linked to various learning theories. Everything at a glance.
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