Engaged and motivated learning while playing.

Serious Games give your employees the tools to develop themselves in challenging and realistic situations.

Why are Serious Games so effective?

At Epyc, we package the learning content into a game to turn a learning moment into a total learning experience. We always start from the learning objectives and turn them into a smart didactic game concept. This is how we ensure that every minute of 'playing' is also a minute of learning and development.


Play is a natural way of learning and by far the most efficient form of learning. Serious Games increase the motivation of your employees and the chance of achieving their learning goals.


Serious Games often have their origins in real-life situations, allowing employees to apply new skills directly to their work.


In games, employees are given the opportunity to make their own choices and solve problems, increasing their involvement in the learning process and putting learning content into practice.


Through reports and dashboards, the employee and manager always have insight into the progress of learning and the achievement of the set learning goals.

Safe awareness

Employees can experience the consequences of decisions in a safe virtual environment, making them more aware of their behavior and actions in practice.

Multimedia learning

Serious Games use the combination of visual, auditory and psychomotor learning. By stimulating different senses for the same purpose, knowledge and skills are better absorbed and remembered.

Is your organization ready for a new, relaxed way of learning?

Get in touch with us. We'd love to tell you more about developing a Serious Game for your organization.

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