Training en naleving zijn van cruciaal belang in de farmaceutische en medische sector. Met de snel veranderende wet- en regelgeving en de noodzaak om altijd up-to-date te zijn, moeten medische en farmaceutische professionals continu hun kennis bijschaven. E-learning biedt hiervoor een innovatieve oplossing. En hoe beter bijdragen aan het verbeteren van kennis en vaardigheden binnen deze sectoren dan met e-learning modules van Epyc Solutions?
Epyc Solutions and Axians, VINCI Energies brand for business-oriented ICT solutions, are joining forces to further develop Axele on-the-job: an innovative mobile application for the sustainable sharing of knowledge and information.
Microlearning (with the Micro from microscope) is using small pieces of content to teach someone one particular thing. Sometimes it only takes a minute to read, watch or listen to it. And it teaches you to solve one tightly defined and clearly defined problem.
For over 1,000 years, people have used stories to tell or learn something to each other. Roughly the Quran or the Scripture, but also the stories of the Grimm brothers are sometimes strong forms of storytelling.
The '5 Moments of Need' model by Bob Mosher and Conrad Gottfredson identifies 5 scenarios in which people have a clear need to learn.
Depending on what time, you will need to approach and offer certain learning content in a different way.
Repetition works. By offering content in different ways and times, the learner gets the opportunity to embed knowledge.
Let us know what you need!