Always the right knowledge at hand thanks to customized e-learning

Through our interactive e-learning, hundreds of external contractors and permanent employees from LANXESS receive the necessary information about safety, organization and logistics. We developed a comprehensive solution tailored to contractors.

LANXESS is a leader in specialty chemicals, and currently employs 14,900 people in 33 countries.

When maintenance is required on their sites, external specialists and employees from other countries come by. It is vitally important that they have the right knowledge about the location and associated regulations. To ensure that, they called in Epyc.

The challenge

Design a stimulating e-learning that summarizes the regulations in the field of safety, organization and logistics.

Because of the content, the e-learning must be protected via authentication.

Make sure that the e-learning is designed simply and intuitively so that a broad target group understands what is expected and can access the e-learning in their own language.

Our approach

Determining the form of learning

In order to offer learning content to the largest possible target group, e-learning proved to be the best solution for LANXESS.

A major advantage of this is that the learning content of the e-learning can be easily updated at any time. We opted for a modular approach. As a result, the learning material is always up to date, which was an important advantage for this organization in the rapidly developing chemical industry.

Accessible learning content

Staff and external specialists have easy access to learning content in their own language. With the click of a button, they can test their knowledge with challenging assignments and questions. Do they pass the test? Only then does the barrier open and is access to the site is gained.

Measuring results

Via the personalized dashboard, the employee and their manager get immediate insight into the results of the e-learning. This determines whether the employee gets access and can start their job. We built a separate portal where the learning content was protected by authentication.

In addition, the results of the final test are kept anonymously on the Epyc database. After the launch and on an annual basis, Epyc provides an overview of the answers to LANXESS in order to monitor the quality of the questions.

Will you click your way to victory and access?

We created a personalized interface so players can see their progress right away. They receive immediate feedback about their choices, which promotes the learning process.

Get the highest score!

Your colleague is injured while replacing a flange and there is no one around to help you. What do you do?

Choose the most appropriate answer in the multiple choice. Do you use the voice call? Are you calling 112? Or do you enter the internal emergency number?

The choices you make in the final test determine whether you get access to the terrain. So make sure you've selected the correct answer!

Do you want to make your learning content accessible for a broad target group and in multiple languages?

Let's talk! We'd love to tell you more.

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